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New Zealand
Blind Tennis
Here are current details for opportunities to play or learn BLV tennis.
Ngatira Training Days - Mt Eden, Auckland
Every two weeks there is a BLV tennis session held at the Ngatira tennis club in Mt Eden, Auckland.
Contact Greg Lim if you would like more information or to attend.
Play starts at 11am and is followed by a Pizza fueled social meet

Hamilton Training Group - Waikato Tennis Centre
After a successful 'have a go day' a group of interested BLV people are setting up a training group which will meet at the Waikato Tennis Centre's indoor arena on Saturday afternoons.
If you would like to join this group please contact Kim Dyball

Wellington Training Group - Tennis Central Wellington
A group of keen individuals are meeting on the third Sunday of the month to learn BLV tennis, at Tennis Central Wellington, to find out more details please contact Jeremy Brown

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